Τετάρτη 1 Φεβρουαρίου 2017

Lnc-ing ROR1–HER3 and Hippo signalling in metastasis

Lnc-ing ROR1–HER3 and Hippo signalling in metastasis:

Nature Cell Biology 19, 81 (2017).

Authors: Wei Zhuo & Yibin Kang

Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are increasingly recognized for their role in cancer progression. The previously uncharacterized lncRNA MAYA is now shown to promote bone metastasis by bridging ROR1–HER3 and Hippo–YAP pathways. Neuregulin-induced HER3 phosphorylation by ROR1 recruits a MAYA-containing protein complex to methylate Hippo/MST1 and activate YAP target genes that are essential for bone metastasis.


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