Δευτέρα 15 Μαΐου 2017

Direct Medical Cost Associated with Colorectal Cancer in North of Jordan


Publication date: Available online 15 May 2017
Source:Current Problems in Cancer
Author(s): Qais Alefan, Rana Malhees, Nizar Mhaidat
BackgroundColorectal cancer (CRC) is mainly characterized as the malignant and impaired growth of rectal cells in the intestinal region. Direct medical cost is related to resources, which are directly used in treating the patient that mainly includes the cost of drugs, diagnostic, treatment, follow up, rehabilitation and hospital admission.ObjectiveThis study aimed to estimate and analyze direct medical costs attributable to CRC in Jordan.MethodsA retrospective analysis of a cohort patients treated for CRC data has been performed to determine direct medical costs attributable to CRC in Jordan. The prevalence-based approach has been used in addition to the "bottom up" approach to accumulate one-year time costs of CRC. Demographic, clinical, and economic data have been collected and analyzed using SPSS for windows. Costs were estimated by a bottom-up approach, in which each service component was identified and valued at the most detailed level, in order to provide greater transparency and reliability in economic evaluation of health care services.ResultsThis study quantified the economic burden associated with CRC by Jordanian patients in KAUH from the perspective of health care providers (public sector). Total CRC cost in the year 2014 was estimated to JD 695,608, and the most expensive stage for all sites was stage 4 reaching a cost of JD 518,894. Advanced disease stages were associated with an increase in total cost and chemotherapy costs.ConclusionResults of this study propose that direct medical costs associated with CRC are considerable. The majority of the cost was devoted for medications, primarily chemotherapy. Advanced stages were associated with higher cost and largest number of patients.



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