Πέμπτη 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2022

Diagnosis and Management of Vocal Complications after Chondrolaryngoplasty

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Diagnosis and Management of Vocal Complications after Chondrolaryngoplasty

Anterior commissure dislocation should be suspected with signs of vocal impairment after chondrolaryngoplasty. Following proper diagnosis, resuspension of the anterior commissure via feminization laryngoplasty approach can be an effective reparative technique.


Transfeminine patients (transwomen/feminine nonbinary folks assigned male at birth) can undergo chondrolaryngoplasty ("tracheal shave") to feminize their neck appearance. While isolated cases of vocal complications have been reported following the procedure, aggregated outcomes have not been quantitatively studied. We present acoustic and stroboscopic data to describe a patient cohort with vocal complications after chondrolaryngoplasty and discuss reparative surgical technique.


Subjective and objective data, including videostroboscopy, were collected from patients with voice complaints after chondrolaryngoplasty. Dislocated anterior commissures were reconstructed with feminization laryngoplasty. Postoperative voice data were recorded and statistically compared to preoperative data using paired t-tests.


On consecutive chart review, of the 94 transfeminine women with prior outside history of chondrolaryngoplasty, 27 (29%) reported chronic postoperative hoarseness, deepened pitch, or loss of upper register. On endoscopy, short, lax vocal folds with persistent anterior glottic gap and phase asymmetry were commonly noted; anterior commissure dislocation was confirmed in-office by using needle localization through absent thyroid cartilage. After open resuspension of the anterior commissure with feminization laryngoplasty, post-repair modal-speaking, minimum, and maximum fundamental frequencies (F0) increased on average by 7, 8, and 5 semitones, respectively (p < 0.01), when compared to pre-repair values. On average, perioperative maximum phonation time did not change significantly (p = 0.15). Average self-assessment of vocal femininity increased by 48% (p < 0.01).


Anterior commissure dislocation should be suspected with signs of vocal impairment after chondrolaryngoplasty. Following proper diagnosis, resuspension of the anterior commissure via feminization laryngoplasty approach can be an effective reparative technique.

Level of Evidence

This work represents a 2011 OCEBM Level 4 evidence as a case series Laryngoscope, 2022

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Künstliche Intelligenz auf dem Vormarsch – Hohe Vorhersage-Genauigkeit bei der Früherkennung pigmentierter Melanome

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DOI: 10.1055/a-1949-3639

Weltweit steigt die Inzidenz des malignen Melanoms an. Bei frühzeitiger Erkennung ist das Melanom gut behandelbar, eine Früherkennung ist also lebenswichtig.Die Hautkrebs-Früherkennung hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten bspw. durch die Einführung des Screenings im Jahr 2008 und die Dermatoskopie deutlich verbessert. Dennoch bleibt die visuelle Erkennung insbesondere von frühen Melanomen eine Herausforderung, weil diese viele morphologische Überlappungen mit Nävi zeigen. Daher ist der medizinische Bedarf weiterhin hoch, die Methoden zur Hautkrebsfrüherkennung gezielt weiterzuentwickeln, um Melanome bereits in einem sehr frühen Stadium sicher diagnostizieren zu können.Die Routinediagnostik zur Hautkrebs-Früherkennung umfasst die visuelle Ganzkörperinspektion, oft ergänzt durch die Dermatoskopie, durch die sich die diagnostische Treffsicherheit erfahrener Hautärzte deutlich erhöhen lässt. E in Verfahren, was in einigen Praxen und Kliniken zusätzlich angeboten wird, ist die kombinierte Ganzkörperfotografie mit der digitalen Dermatoskopie für die Früherkennung maligner Melanome, insbesondere für das Monitoring von Hochrisiko-Patienten.In den letzten Jahrzenten wurden zahlreiche nicht invasive zusatzdiagnostische Verfahren zur Beurteilung verdächtiger Pigmentmale entwickelt, die das Potenzial haben könnten, eine verbesserte und z. T. automatisierte Bewertung dieser Läsionen zu ermöglichen. In erster Linie ist hier die konfokale Lasermikroskopie zu nennen, ebenso die elektrische Impedanzspektroskopie, die Multiphotonen-Lasertomografie, die Multispektralanalyse, die Raman-Spektroskopie oder die optische Kohärenztomografie. Diese diagnostischen Verfahren fokussieren i. d. R. auf hohe Sensitivität, um zu vermeiden, ein malignes Melanom zu übersehen. Dies bedingt allerdings üblicherweise eine geringere Spezifität, was im Screening zu unnötigen Exzisionen vieler gutartiger Läsionen führen kann. Auch sind einige der Verfahren zeitaufwendig und kostenintensiv,was die Anwendbarkeit im Screening ebenfalls einschränkt.In naher Zukunft wird insbesondere die Nutzung von künstlicher Intelligenz die Diagnosefindung in vielfältiger Weise verändern. Vielversprechend ist v. a. die Analyse der makroskopischen und dermatoskopischen Routine-Bilder durch künstliche Intelligenz. Für die Klassifizierung von pigmentierten Hautläsionen anhand makroskopischer und dermatoskopischer Bilder erzielte die künstliche Intelligenz v. a. in Form neuronaler Netze unter experimentellen Bedingungen in zahlreichen Studien bereits eine vergleichbare diagnostische Genauigkeit wie Dermatologen. Insbesondere bei der binären Klassifikationsaufgabe Melanom/Nävus erreichte sie hohe Genauigkeiten, doch auch in der Multiklassen-Differenzierung von verschiedenen Hauterkrankungen zeigt sie sich vergleichbar gut wie Dermatologen. Der Nachweis der grundsätzlichen Anwendbark eit und des Nutzens solcher Systeme in der klinischen Praxis steht jedoch noch aus. Noch zu schaffende Grundvoraussetzungen für die Translation solcher Diagnosesysteme in die dermatologischen Routine sind Möglichkeiten für die Nutzer, die Entscheidungen des Systems nachzuvollziehen, sowie eine gleichbleibend gute Leistung der Algorithmen auf Bilddaten aus fremden Kliniken und Praxen.Derzeit zeichnet sich ab, dass computergestützte Diagnosesysteme als Assistenzsysteme den größten Nutzen bringen könnten, denn Studien deuten darauf hin, dass eine Kombination von Mensch und Maschine die besten Ergebnisse erzielt. Diagnosesysteme basierend auf künstlicher Intelligenz sind in der Lage, Merkmale schnell, quantitativ, objektiv und reproduzierbar zu erfassen, und könnten somit die Medizin auf eine mathematische Grundlage stellen – zusätzlich zur ärztlichen Erfahrung.

Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

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Τετάρτη 28 Δεκεμβρίου 2022

three-dimensional airway changes after fibula flap reconstruction for benign and malignant tumours in the anterior mandible

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Surgical treatment of tumours in the anterior mandible and surrounding tissues may result in defects which can be restored by a fibula free flap. The upper airway may change during this process. The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate upper airway changes after fibula free flap reconstruction. A total of 37 patients who underwent anterior mandibulectomy and fibula free flap reconstruction between 2012 and 2020 were recruited. Patients with benign and malignant tumours involving the anterior mandible were included. (Source: International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery)
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Individual “alveolar phenotype” limits dimensions of lateral bone augmentation

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Alveolar ridge resorption following tooth extraction often renders a lateral bone augmentation inevitable. Some patients, however, suffer from severe early (during graft healing, Eres) and/or late (during follow-up, Lres) graft resorption. This study explored the hypothesis that the "individual phenotypic dimensions" may partially explains the degree of such resorptions.

Material & methods

Patients who underwent a guided bone regeneration (GBR) were screened for inclusion according to the following criteria: (1) a relatively symmetrical maxillary arch, (2) an intact contra-lateral alveolar bone dimension, (3) the presence of a pre-operative cone-beam CT (CBCT), (4) a CBCT taken immediately after GBR, and (5) at least one CBCT scan ≥6 months after surgery. CBCT scans from different timepoints were registered and imported into Mimics software (Materialise, Leuven, Belgium). Bone dimensions of the contra-lateral site of the augmentation, representing the "individual phenotypical dimension of the alveolar crest" (IPD) were super-imposed on the augmented site and registered accordingly. As such, Eres and Lres could be measured over time, in relation to the IPD (in 2D; per millimetre apically from the alveolar crest, in the centre of the GBR), as well as in 3D (the entire GBR, 2 mm away from the mesial, distal, and apical border for standardisation).


A total of 17 patients (23 augmented sites) were included. After Eres, the outline of the augmentation was in general located ±1 mm outside the IPD, but ≥1,5 years after GBR, it further moved towards the IPD (85% within 0.5 mm distance).


Within the limitations of this study the results indicate that the dimensions of a lateral bone augmentation are defined by the "individual phenotypic bone boundaries" of the patient.

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Esthetic and clinical outcomes after immediate placement and restoration: Comparison of two implant systems in the anterior maxilla—A cross‐sectional study

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To assess the esthetic and clinical performance of a novel self-tapping implant system for single-tooth restorations in the esthetic zone after immediate placement and provisionalization.

Materials and Methods

This cross-sectional study included 52 patients contributing a total of 52 immediately placed and restored implants with ≥12 months after functional loading, comparing two different implant systems: Straumann® BLX (Institut Straumann AG, Basel, Switzerland; 25 patients) and Ankylos® (Dentsply Sirona, Hanau, Germany; 27 patients). As the primary outcome measure, peri-implant tissue esthetics were assessed by means of pink esthetics score (PES) rated by three independent clinicians. Moreover, as secondary outcome measures, the peri-implant tissue health was assessed by means of bleeding on probing, probing depth, and suppuration. Apart from that, the modified plaque index, keratinized mucosa width, and the presence of mucosal recessions were also assessed. When clinical signs suggested the possibility of peri-implantitis, radiographs were indicated to assess progressive bone loss.


The mean PES ratings were 12.10 ± 1.10 for Ankylos versus 11.2 ± 1.86 for BLX, both achieving good esthetic results without significant differences (p = 0.143). There were no differences among most clinical parameters (plaque, bleeding on probing, probing depth, peri-implant mucosal recession), although peri-implant mucositis was present in one-third of the cases. The inter-rater agreement on esthetics was not significant (p < 0.250).


Within the limitations of the present study, it was concluded that the use of either BLX or Ankylos implant systems was associated to comparable peri-implant health and good pink esthetic outcomes during immediate implantation and restoration protocols, for at least 12 months.

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Τρίτη 27 Δεκεμβρίου 2022

Coronavirus disease 2019 rebounds following nirmatrelvir/ritonavir treatment

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Nirmatrelvir/ritonavir (NMV-r) is an effective anti-SARS-CoV-2 agent and has been recommended in the treatment of non-hospitalized patients with COVID-19. In rare occasions, some patients experience virologic and symptomatic rebound after initial resolution, which we call COVID-19 rebound after NMV-r. Although COVID rebound can also occur after molnupiravir treatment or even no antiviral treatment, we have more serious concern about the rebound after NMV-r, which remains the most effective antiviral. Due to a lack of information about its frequency, mechanism, outcomes, and management, we conducted this review to provide comprehensive and updated information to address these questions. Based on the limited evidence, the incidence of COVID-19 rebound after NMV-r was less than 2%, and most cases developed 5–15 days after initiating NMV-r treatment. Almost all reported cases had mild symptoms, and the clinical condition gradually subsided without additional treatment. Overall, the clinical outcome was favourable, and only a small number of patients required emergency department visits or hospitalization. Regarding virologic rebound, culturable SARS-CoV-2 with possible transmission was observed, so re-isolation may be needed.

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The HBV web: An insight into molecular interactomes between the Hepatitis B virus and its host en route to hepatocellular carcinoma.

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Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a major aetiology associated with the development and progression of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most common primary liver malignancy. Over the past few decades, direct and indirect mechanisms have been identified in the pathogenesis of HBV-associated HCC which include altered signaling pathways, genome integration, mutation-induced genomic instability, chromosomal deletions and rearrangements. Intertwining of the HBV counterparts with the host cellular factors, though well established, needs to be systemized to understand the dynamics of host-HBV crosstalk and its consequences on HCC progression. Existence of a vast array of protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid interaction databases has led to the uncoiling of the compendia of genes/gene products associated with these interactions. This review covers the existing knowledge about the HBV-host interplay and brings it down under one canopy emphasizing on the HBV-host interactomics; and thereby highlights new strategies for therapeutic advancements against HBV-induced HCC.

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No Association of IFNL4 Genotype With Opportunistic Infections and Cancers Among Men With Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 Infection

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IFNL4 genetic variants that are strongly associated with clearance of hepatitis C virus have been linked to risk of certain opportunistic infections (OIs) and cancers, including Kaposi sarcoma, cytomegalovirus infection, and herpes simplex virus infection. As the interferon (IFN) λ family plays a role in response to viral, bacterial, and fungal infections, IFNL4 genotype might affect risk for a wide range of OIs/cancers.
We examined associations between genotype for the functional IFNL4 rs368234815 polymorphism and incidence of 16 OIs/cancers among 2310 men with human immunodeficiency virus (2038 white; 272 black) enrolled in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study during 1984–1990. Our primary analyses used Cox proportional hazards models adjusted for self-reported racial ancestry to estimate hazard ratios with 95% confidence intervals, comparing participants with the genotypes that generate IFN-λ4 and those with the genotype that abrogates IFN-λ4. We censored follow-up at the introduction of highly effective antiretroviral therapies.
We found no statistically significant association between IFNL4 genotype and the incidence of Kaposi sarcoma (hazard ratio, 0.92 [95% confidence interval, .76–1.11]), cytomegalovirus infection (0.94 [.71� �1.24]), herpes simplex virus infection (1.37 [.68–2.93]), or any other OI/cancer. We observed consistent results using additive genetic models and after controlling for CD4 cell count through time-dependent adjustment or restriction to participants with a low CD4 cell count.
The absence of associations between IFNL4 genotype and these OIs/cancers provides evidence that this gene does not affect the risk of disease from opportunistic pathogens.
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Δευτέρα 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2022

Mitotic count is prognostic in IDH-mutant astrocytoma without homozygous deletion of CDKN2A/B. Results of consensus panel review of EORTC trials 26053 and EORTC 22033-26033

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Gliomas with IDH1/2 mutations without 1p19q codeletion have been identified as the distinct diagnostic entity of IDH mutant astrocytoma (IDHmut astrocytoma). Homozygous deletion of Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 inhibitor A/B (CDKN2A/B) has recently been incorporated in the grading of these tumors. The question of whether histologic parameters still contribute to prognostic information on top of the molecular classification, remains unanswered. Here we evaluated consensus histologic parameters for providing additional prognostic value in IDHmut astrocytomas.
An international panel of seven neuropathologists scored 13 well-defined histologic features in virtual microscopy images of 192 IDHmut astrocytomas from EORTC trial 22033-26033 (low-grade gliomas) and 263 from EORTC 26053 (CATNON) (1p19q non-codeleted anaplastic glioma). For 192 gliomas the CDKN2A/B status was known. Consensus (agreement ≥ 4/7 panelists) hi stologic features were tested together with homozygous deletion (HD) of CDKN2A/B for independent prognostic power.
Among consensus histologic parameters, the mitotic count (cut-off of 2 mitoses per 10 high power fields standardized to a field diameter of 0.55 mm and an area of 0.24 mm 2) significantly influences PFS (p = 0.0098) and marginally the OS (p = 0.07). Mitotic count also significantly affects the PFS of tumors with HD CDKN2A/B, but not the OS, possibly due to limited follow-up data.
The mitotic index (cut-off 2 per 10 40x HPF) is of prognostic significance in IDHmut astrocytomas without HD CDKN2A/B. Therefore, the mitotic index may direct the therapeutic approach for patients with IDHmut astrocytomas with native CDKN2A/B status.
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Κυριακή 25 Δεκεμβρίου 2022

Neuroendokrine Tumoren im Kopf-, Halsbereich

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DOI: 10.1055/a-1976-9641

Hintergrund Neuroendokrine Tumoren (NET) sind benigne oder maligne Neoplasien, die entwicklungsgeschichtlich der Neuralleiste oder paraganglionären Zellen des vegetativen Nervensystems entstammen. Die alte Bezeichnung Karzinoid (karzinomähnlicher Tumor) ist noch sehr verbreitet, jedoch inzwischen obsolet. Lediglich 0,5–2 % aller Neoplasien des Menschen sind neuroendokrine Tumoren, welche überwiegend gastrointestinal oder bronchopulmonal lokalisiert sind. Die Inzidenz beträgt 9.263/100.000. Jedoch ist nur 1 % der Kopf-Hals-Tumore neuroendokriner Genese. Fallzahlstarke Langzeitstudien und Leitlinien zur Diagnose und Therapie im Kopf-Hals Bereich fehlen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist der wertende Vergleich bekannter Therapiestrategien und daraus folgender Krankheitsverläufe sowie deren Vergleich mit dem Schrifttum anhand eigener Fälle unterschiedlicher Lokalisation und Ausdehnung. Patienten und Methoden In unserer Klinik wurden zwischen 2010 und 2017 14 Patienten mit neuroendokrinen Tumoren im Kopf-Hals-Bereich behandelt. 8 Patienten davon wurden primär operativ mit adjuvanter Radiochemotherapie versorgt. 6 Patienten erhielten eine primäre Radiochemotherapie in kurativer Absicht. 1 Patient erhielt auf Grund des Tumorprogress nach der primären Radiochemotherapie eine weitere Chemotherapie mit palliativer Indikation. Ergebnisse Die Tumorlokalisationen verteilen sich auf den Larynx (n = 7), die Glandula parotis (n = 2) und auf die Nasenhaupt- und -nebenhöhlen (n=5). Von den 8 operierten Patienten konnte in sechs Fällen eine in-sano Resektion (R0) erreicht werden. Die im Kollektiv gemessene Gesamtüberlebensrate beträgt im Mittel 19±6 Monate. Von den 14 untersuchten Patienten erlitten zwei Patienten ein Rezidiv, wovon ein Patient nach 7 Monaten verstarb und ein Patient 32 Monate nach der Nachresektion Rezidiv-frei lebt. In zwei Fällen sprach das NET nicht auf die kombinierte RCT an und die Patienten verstarben jeweils nach sechs und 13 Monaten. Die Überlebenszeit ist abhängig vom T-Stadium des NET sowie vom Erreichen einer R0-Resektion. Die R0-Resektion bietet eine höhere Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit als die primäre RCT. Schlussfolgerung Patienten mit NET des Kopf-Hals-Bereiches müssen in spezialisierten Zentren interdisziplinär behandelt werden. Zur Erfassung dieser Daten ist eine Tumordatenbank notwendig. Jedoch sind aufgrund der niedrigen Inzidenz keine Studien auf hohem Evidenzniveau zu erwarten. Nach effizienter Diagnosestellung sollte zeitliche Verzögerung unmittelbar im Rahmen einer interdisziplinären Tumorkonferenz eine individuelle auf den Patienten zugeschnittene Therapie erfolgen.

Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

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