Πέμπτη 9 Ιουνίου 2016

Jerking nystagmus may be congenital. Pendular nystagmus may be acquired.

[Differential diagnosis of dizziness (author's transl)].:

Arch Otorhinolaryngol.

Authors: Kornhuber HH


The common denominator of the different meanings of dizziness is a disturbance of spatio-postural orientation, which indicates an imminent danger of fall. Höhenschwindel (fear of hights) with grasping and holding in the primate is instinctive behavior caused by a visual cliff or sudden dizziness. Because of the many possible meanings of dizziness, the case history is important for differential diagnosis. Vertiginous and non-vertiginous dizziness, black out and unsteady gait without vertigo should be distinguished. In addition, the duration and time course of the attack, releasing mechanisms and accompanying symptoms of dizziness should be explored. In recurrent dizziness without hearing loss, vestibular, vascular, cardial and epileptic disorders should be considered as well as intoxication, cerebral tumor, cerebellar hemangioblastoma, multiple sclerosis, neurosis and psychosis. Epileptic dizziness occurs not only in the prodromal stage of grand mal attacks and in temporal lobe epilepsy, but also in petit mal absences of short duration (less than 5 s) in which the blurring of consciousness is not apparent; absences of short duration are easily overlooked in childhood. Besides the objective history obtained from the patient's relatives, EEG-recording when falling asleep in the morning after one night of sleep deprivation are the best means for the diagnosis of epilepsia. Spontaneous nystagmus after complete exclusion of visual fixation is a physiological phenomenon. For differential diagnosis between physiological and pathological spontaneous nystagmus, Frenzel's spectacles in the dark room are indispensable. The distinction of spontaneous nystagmus in the narrower sense, gaze nystagmus and fixation nystagmus is discussed. The diagnostic importance of the direction of nystagmus is mentioned. Jerking nystagmus may be congenital. Pendular nystagmus may be acquired. Therefore, additional criteria for the differential diagnosis between congenital and acquired nystagmus are necessary.

PMID: 990084 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


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