Τρίτη 12 Ιουλίου 2016


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‎Today, ‎12 ‎Ιουλίου ‎2016, ‏‎3:54:58 μμ

Management of Inflammation by Natural Polyphenols: A Comprehensive Mechanistic Update

‎Today, ‎12 ‎Ιουλίου ‎2016, ‏‎3:54:59 μμGo to full article
Inflammation generates a systemic response against injury or infection from bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. The welfare of host is the primary target of this process. However, uncontrolled or inadequate regulation of the inflammatory response produces detrimental effects leading to the generation of various chronic disorders including atherosclerosis, type-2 diabetes, neurodegenerative disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease with severe tissue damage. The exact identity of the inflammatory stimuli is still elusive as they function in multiple pathways; therefore targeting a particular pathway does not resolve the problem. Existing therapeutics targeting the inflammatory responses include steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (SAIDs) and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). In spite of their numerous beneficial effects, both SAIDs as well as NSAIDs have their independent, unavoidable side effects, which discourage their prolonged therapeutic applications. Since the management of uncontrolled inflammation is critical for the general wellbeing, therefore an alternative source of multi-targeted non-toxic therapeutic intervention is mandatory. Plant-derived phenols constitute such a group of molecules that can be utilised to manage inflammation. They synergistically modulate several important components involved in multiple signalling pathways that regulate uncontrolled inflammation to exhibit their beneficial health effects. This review discusses the recent advances in structure-function activity of some antiinflammatory polyphenols, their bioavailability enhancement, clinical/ preclinical findings with a view to provide knowledge for developing novel antiinflammatory drugs by following system biology of proinflammatory responses with minimal side effects.

Oxidative Stress Modulation Through Habitual Physical Activity

‎Today, ‎12 ‎Ιουλίου ‎2016, ‏‎3:54:59 μμGo to full article
Background: Oxidative stress is involved in different pathophysiological states, such as aging, inflammatory, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, by damaging several cellular and tissue components including proteins, DNA and lipids. On the other hand, free radicals generated during physical activity are important modulators of muscle contraction, antioxidant protection, and oxidative damage repair. Indeed, ROS, generated during physical activity, are likely main mediators of antioxidant molecules upregulation, as reflected by increased glutathione reductase levels after exercise training. Methods: The aim of this review is to summarize the main mechanisms responsible for ROS-dependent adaptations to exercise training. Results: Regular moderate exercise seems to counteract oxidative stress-related detrimental changes and to promote a healthy lifestyle. Conversely, acute and strenuous exercise can generate an excess of free radicals production. Moreover, regular habitual physical activity is related to reduced risk of coronary heart disease and death, whereas vigorous exercise has been shown to favour sudden cardiac death in sedentary individuals with preexisting vascular disease. New specific markers of mitochondrial or ER dysfunction may be better clues of oxidative stress, and their application to clinical practice may help set up the optimal dose, intensity and modality of exercise training for every single subject. Conclusion: The relationship between exercise and oxidative stress is extremely complex, depending on the mode, intensity, and duration of exercise. These conflicting effects and outcomes may be explained by the hormesis theory, in which low doses of an agent that is detrimental at high doses, induces an adaptive beneficial effect on the cells or organism.

Microemulsion Based Hydrogel of Tacrolimus for the Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis

‎Today, ‎12 ‎Ιουλίου ‎2016, ‏‎3:54:59 μμGo to full article
Objective: The aim of the present investigation was to develop microemulsionbased hydrogel of tacrolimus for topical application for the treatment of atopic dermatitis. </p><p> Methods: Microemulsion containing tacrolimus was developed by water titration method and was successfully incorporated into freshly prepared 1% carbopol 940 gels. Preformulation studies such as preparation of standard curve by HPLC, solubility studies and construction of phase diagrams were carried out. Lauroglycol was selected as oil, Labrasol and Tween 80 (1:1) as surfactant blend and Transcutol P as co-surfactant, on the basis of solubility of tacrolimus in the above constituents. The optimized microemulsion formulation and microemulsion based hydrogel were characterized for various parameters and were evaluated for the efficiency to treat atopic dermatitis induced by 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene in BALB/c mice. </p><p> Results: The pH value and percent transmittance of microemulsion formulation were found to be 5.9 and 99.2%, respectively. Microemulsion did not show phase separation in centrifugation study. Transmission Electron Microscopy illustrated that the droplets of the microemulsion possessed spherical shape. The microemulsion based gel system possessed good spreadability and 83.31±1.148 % drug content. In vitro permeation studies showed that the permeation rate of both tacrolimus loaded microemulsions as well as microemulsion based hydrogel was observed to be higher than the drug solution and marketed ointment formulation. Histopathological analysis revealed that the microemulsion based hydrogel was more effective than the microemulsion and marketed ointment. </p><p> Conclusion: The results indicated that the formulated microemulsion based hydrogel is promising vehicle for topical delivery of tacrolimus for the treatment of atopic dermatitis. </p><p>
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