From the *Department of Cranio-Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany; †Division of Pediatric Facial Plastic Surgery and Craniofacial Anomalies, Catholic Children’s Hospital Wilhelmstift, Hamburg, Teaching Hospital of the University of Luebeck, Germany; ‡Craniofacial Institute, Providence Hospital, Southfield, Mich.; §Department of Cranio-Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany; and ¶Institute of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Zollikon, Zurich, Switzerland.
Received for publication August 20, 2015; accepted March 2, 2016.
Disclosure: The authors have no financial interest to declare in relation to the content of this article. The Article Processing Charge was paid for by J. Camilo Roldán.
J. Camilo Roldán, MD, DMD, Ph.D, Department of Craniomaxillofacial Plastic Surgery, Franz-Josef-Strauss-Allee 11
93053 Regensburg, Germany, E-mail:
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Summary: Vermilionectomy is an established procedure for the management of precancerous lesions of the lip and is often performed simultaneously with a lower lip resection for the treatment of a malignancy. The literature suggests that Dieffenbach or von Langenbeck or von Esmarch was the first to introduce this procedure. A systematic review of the German literature from the 19th century revealed that it was von Bruns who performed the vermilionectomy for the management of lip malignancies for the first time.
Vermilionectomy is an accepted technique for the therapy of precancerous conditions of the lower lip. It is performed simultaneously with reconstructive procedures after full-thickness lower lip resection in cancer cases. This technique provides a good functional and a favorable aesthetic result.1 Vermilionectomy and subsequent reconstruction have often been sidelined as a necessary procedure in the history of lip reconstruction.2,3 In the literature, the first description of vermilionectomy and the subsequent reconstruction were attributed to von Langenbeck,4 von Esmarch,5,6 von Langenbeck-von Bruns,7,8 and Dieffenbach9 among other authors.
In 1855, von Langenbeck described the use of full-thickness vermilion flaps based on the philtrum for reconstruction of a full-thickness rectangular lower lip defect in 2 patients,10 without providing an illustration. Von Esmarch, pupil of von Langenbeck, published an illustration of the von Langenbeck’s technique including a transposition flap of the chin, not mentioned by von Langenbeck in the original report of 1855 (Fig. 1).11 Von Langenbeck gave credit to Dieffenbach for the reconstruction of the vermilion with mucosa from the cheek together with the residual lower lip mucosa, pointing out that his procedure was different because of the use of full-thickness pedicled vermilion flaps.10The covering of the reconstructed lip by means of mucosal flaps from the cheek or from the residual lip was routinely used in Germany at the beginning of the 19th century.12,13 This procedure was introduced by Wernek14 from Salzburg, Austria, and was relatively well known before his publishing of this procedure in 1830 as a Letter to the Editor, December 10, 1829. Dieffenbach15 performed this procedure before Wernek’s report, but Dieffenbach gave him the credit for this innovation in 1845. Busch et al16 stated that Wernek performed his procedure for the first time in 1817. The mucosal lining of the vermilion was used in microstomia cases, mainly after infection, or in combination with full-thickness lower lip resection combined with local flaps.
In 1857, von Bruns17 published an illustration of a vermilionectomy for the first time as a treatment of choice for small tumors followed by reconstruction of the vermillion in von Bruns’ Surgical Atlas. This was achieved by means of an advancement of the remaining mucosa of the inner lip. Two years later, von Bruns published a corresponding textbook to the atlas (Handbuch der praktischen Chirurgie),18 where he explained the rationale of this procedure (Fig. 2). Von Bruns mentioned a further modification of the vermilionectomy by Klose and Paul in 1850,19 in which a wedge excision of the red lip was performed; a drawing of this technique, which had not been published before by the Klose and Paul, was included in von Bruns’ Surgical Atlas; Klose and Paul had not provided an illustration in their original report (Fig. 2). It seems that the von Bruns’ vermilionectomy was well known even before von Bruns published this technique in his atlas. This seemed to be the case, as Blasius13 criticized the von Bruns’ vermilionectomy as a minimally invasive procedure in 1848. Günther and Kühn20 gave von Bruns the credit of von Bruns’ vermilionectomy and reconstruction; they also provided a drawing. The illustration was the von Bruns’ clamp, which was used in this procedure.
Von Esmarch and Kowalzig11 described the vermilionectomy, a technique that had not been mentioned after Günther and Kühn’sreport in 1866.20 Von Esmarch and Kowalzig provided an own drawing without any conceptual change to the one originally described by von Bruns, omitting a credit to any author.
The vermilionectomy was rarely performed in the 19th century. Red lip resection and reconstruction was just not considered as being worth mentioning. Blasius stated this in 1848, criticizing the von Bruns’ technique in a report even before von Bruns had published this technique in his atlas.
The research project was conducted by J. Camilo Roldán at the University of Regensburg, Germany (Dir. T.E. Reichert, MD, DMD, Ph.D) and at the Craniofacial Institute, Providence Hospital, Southfield, Mich., (Dir. Ian T Jackson, MD, DSc [Hon.], FRCS, FACS, FRACS [Hon.]).
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