Τετάρτη 1 Μαρτίου 2017

Relapsing bullous amyloidosis of the oral mucosa and acquired cutis laxa in a patient with multiple myeloma: a rare triple association


It is well known that primary systemic amyloidosis [light chain (AL) amyloidosis] is associated with hidden dyscrasia or multiple myeloma. Acquired cutis laxa (cutis laxa acquisita; CLA) has also been described in patients with plasma cell dyscrasias, including multiple myeloma. We report a case in which haemorrhagic oral bullae were the first sign of an undiagnosed primary systemic amyloidosis related to multiple myeloma IgG-λ and previously diagnosed CLA. There is only one report in literature of this rare triple association; however, in that case the patient did not have oral mucosal involvement or bullous amyloidosis.



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